Specialty Contact Lenses

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Scleral Contacts

Scleral contacts are a large gas permeable lens that was designed to solely touch the sclera (the white part of the eye) while vaulting over the cornea. It is a great option for those with an anterior surface eye disease such as keratoconus and dry eye and can also help improve vision for those with nystagmus. This lens can also be prescribed in cases where the prescription is too high to be fit with a standard soft contact lens. In some cases, medical and/or vision insurance can help cover the cost of being fit with this amazing lens.

Corneal Refractive Therapy (CRT)

Corneal Refractive Therapy contact lenses are an amazing option for children, young adults, and adults who are nearsighted/myopic. For children and young adults this lens is effective at slowing down the progression of myopia (nearsightedness) by reshaping the cornea while you sleep. Yes! This is a lens that has been FDA approved for you to sleep in. HOW IT WORKS: While you sleep the lens reshapes and flattens the cornea (the front of the eye) therefore correcting the vision so you no longer need to wear glasses or contacts during the day. Although the long-term effects are permanent for children and young adults (lowering the lifelong risk of eye disease), the changes to the cornea are not permanent. In fact, the cornea will revert back to its original shape if lens wear is discontinued. Those who are very nearsighted are at higher risk for many eye conditions, including: glaucoma, retinal detachments, and myopic macular degeneration.

The CRT lens can also be worn by adults and is a great alternative to LASIK surgery and for those desiring visual freedom from glasses.

MiSight Contact Lens

The MiSight contact lens, made by Cooper Vision, is a new lens to the market that is the ONLY contact lens that has been FDA approved to slow the progression of myopia in children and young adults. This lens would be worn during the day as opposed to the CRT lens which is worn while sleeping.


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