Our Doctor

Christmas 2020

Christmas 2020

Dr. Roxanne Rottiers graduated from Ferris State University and went on to receive her doctorate from Michigan College of Optometry in 2015.  She has been on multiple mission trips through VOSH (Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity) to help those in need of eye care.  She is an active member of the American Optometric Association, the Michigan Optometric Association, and the Scleral Lens Contact Lens Society.

She has a particular interest in pediatric eye health exams, specialty contact lenses, dry eye disease, co-management of LASIK and cataract surgery, and the management of diabetes, macular degeneration, and glaucoma.  Dr. Rottiers has a special interest in myopia management, which is the process in which an optometrist can help slow down the progression of nearsightedness in kids and young adults. By slowing down myopia progression the child’s life-long risk of eye disease is also reduced. She also has an interest in scleral lenses that help correct vision and reduce ocular discomfort in those with corneal irregularities and in the treatment of dry eye disease.

Dr. Rottiers and her husband Kyle grew up in St. Johns and are now living in Grand Ledge with their son, Elliott, and their two dogs, Aly & Diesel. Dr. Rottiers enjoys spending time with friends & family, reading, traveling, camping at the Silver Lake Sand Dunes, and visiting Disney World.

Our Staff


Jonie is our star optician and has been in this industry for over 15 years. She has built up a large knowledge base of facts helping patients find their perfect frame, adjusting glasses and discussing the details of lenses with her patients. She started working at EYES Optometry Boutique in 2020 as an optician.

Jonie was raised in Grand Ledge and has been active with her son, Ethan, in Boyscouts. She loves to cruise the Caribbean and can be found lakeside with family in her second hometown, Crystal, Michigan.


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